Hanwell Zoo

About us

Find out more about Hanwell Zoo

Hanwell Zoo (formerly known as Brent Lodge Park Animal Centre) is popular attraction located in Brent Lodge Park in Hanwell, London W7.

The park itself, known local as the “Bunny Park” has been home to a centre for all ages to see and get up close to a wide range of animals including mammals, birds and reptiles since 1975.

Other facilities within the park also include a maze made up of 2000 yews, a café, play area and free (limited) car parking.

Our community is wonderfully diverse, and we celebrate that at every given opportunity. Hanwell Zoo constantly explores and promotes equality and equity. Conservation affects us all, so we all should all be involved.

Our Location

Hanwell Zoo is just a few minutes’ walk from Hanwell Railway Station (soon to be on the new Crossrail / Elizabeth Line route) and can also be easily reached by bus routes E3 and E1. Plenty of bike racks are also provided.


Our History

Hanwell Zoo first became officially licenced as a zoo in 1975 and has continued to develop a wide range of opportunities for visitors to participate in activities including a pioneering programme of activities for vulnerable children and adults.


Our Visitors

Hanwell Zoo is continuing to grow and now attracts a large number of visitors from across West London and beyond each year.